This means that some in the markets who were previously leery of keeping their money in dollars, out of fear of future depreciation, had become less leery. 这意味着,市场中一些此前因担心美元将来会贬值、而对继续持有美元资产怀有戒心的人,已打消了部分疑虑。
Qualitative evaluation emphasizes the prediction of the cash flow of an enterprise in the future via regression analysis so that prediction can be made about the free cash flow of an enterprise. So, evaluation of an enterprise can be ascertained through reasonable rate of depreciation. 定量评估,重视企业未来现金流量的预测情况,利用回归分析等方法,预测出企业的自由现金流量,使用合适的折现率来确定企业的价值。